Welcome everyone to this week’s Wichita Weekly Update where I give you a rundown of the recent local news, some fun facts about Wichita and upcoming events over the next week. Today is Monday, August 24th.
Wichita Schools – 2020 School Year
The Wichita Public School Board of Education voted on what the 2020 school year will look like. Parents have the choice for onsite or line learning for PreK-5th grade and online learning for grades 6-12. Parents have until August 28th to make the onsite decision. This model will be in place for at least the first 9 weeks of School.
Wichita Schools Cancel Fall Sports
As part of the previously mentioned Wichita School Board vote, fall sports have been cancelled. This is despite most of the suburbs including Andover, Derby, Maize and more that are still planning to play.
This has led to protests form students, athletes, coaches, and community members.
Wichita Sports Forum Fall Activities
After the announcement that fall sports have been cancelled for Wichita Schools, the Wichita Sports Forum announced on their facebook they would host a High School Vollyeball Saver League. The management then talked to KSHSAA and were asked to stand down and allow them time to work with USD 259. If the proposed USD259 plan moves forward, the Sports Forum plans to move forward with their own league.
LinkedIn Scam – Wichita Mayor’s Office
Keep an eye out for a scam that claims the City of Wichita is looking into hiring specific individuals. It may be a scam.
Mobile COVID Testing coming to Wichita
The Sedgwick County Mobile team will have testing available on Wednesday, August 26th at Tabernacle Bible Church at 1817 N Volutsia in Wichita.
Wichita Fun Fact
Today’s fun fact is…
Many people are aware that one of the greatest running backs of all-time Barry Sanders was born and raised in Wichita. But did you know that another great running back was born in Wichita (although moved and played high school ball in Omaha)? Gale Sayers was born in Wichita, Kansas before moving to Omaha, playing at KU and then for the Chicago Bears.
Wichita Events
Wichita Backpack Giveaway
Thursday, August 27th from 5:30PM -7:30PM at Sedgwick County Park, Patterson Legal Group will be giving out 300 free backpacks with school supplies
Taste This: Bee Tour & Honey Tasting Experience
This Friday at 10am, head down to Botanica for a unique Bee Tour and Honey Tasting Experience!
TGIFF at The Boathouse
Start the weekend off with Food trucks, music, games, raffles and more at The Boathouse at 5PM on Friday.
Wichita Final Friday
Head to Final Friday (also at the Boathouse from 6PM-10PM) and enjoy music from Harrison Steele and Fayola Oyatayo.
Metallica: Encore Drive-In Nights Concert
Metallica may not actually be coming, but they have a one in a life time show Saturday, August 29th at 8:30PM.