If you have been in Wichita for any amount of time, odds are you’ve been to the Keeper of the Plains. But do you know about the Wichita Troll Statue?

Wichita Troll - ErnattBronze on Instagram
Via ErnattBronze on Instagram.

Where is the Wichita Troll? He is hiding right around the corner from the Keeper, trapped in his cage.

Wichita Troll Location
Source: https://www.roadsideamerica.com/map/35365

The Wichita Troll was installed in May 2007 by local sculptor Connie Ernatt as a way to add some flare down by the river. At 7 foot tall and 200 lbs, it was necessary to chain this Troll to pipes in the beneath a sidewalk grate along the Arkansas (AR-Kansas) River. Although the troll has no name, he has become beloved by Wichitans and visitors alike.

It is free to see the Wichita Troll. It is recommended to park in the lot east of the Westar Power building or by in the parking lot close to the Keeper of the Plains.

Wichita Troll Recommended Parking
Recommended Parking

For even more history on the Wichita Troll, head over to https://www.360wichita.com/blog/Local/Wichita-Troll.html




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