Wichita has numerous talented people. Many of these people are authors. Whether they are from Wichita, lived in Wichita, or still live in Wichita, we are going to claim them.
This list is not all inclusive, so please send in any additional authors so we can add them! We are only linking one book per author, so if they have more than one, make sure you explore everything they have to offer.
Send additions to WichitaLifeICT@gmail.com – Thanks!
Josh Fredrick
A Walk Through Dimensions
Vince Wheeler
The Things of Man
Jennifer Strong McConachie
Go Far: How Endurance Sports Help You Win At Life
Shelby Grosch
Young, Dumb, and NOT Broke?!: The personal finance essentials to get you started on the right track
Shari Burckhardt (aka Stephen Burckhardt)
The Into the West Saga Serial
Rolf Potts
Wes Brummer
Stalag Sunflower
Laura J. Swallow
6,393 Miles
Clay G. Small
The Forger’s Forgery
Emily R Oakley
The Plight of the Martyr: Dying on Unnecessary Hills
Taryn Oakley
Gathering up the Stones
Tom S. Coke
The Brief Life of America’s Most Dramatic Evangelist: When Jack Shuler outshone Billy Graham
Cindy Entriken
Ila’s War
T.M. Hunter
Dirty Dozen: An Aston West Collection
M.K. Deppner
A Rare Find
Vale of Shadows
Tim O’Bryhim and Michael Romalis
Make This Town Big: The Story of Roy Turner and the Wichita Wings
Amanda Wen
Roots of Wood and Stone
RaeAnn Childress
Just “Us”
100 Things to Do in Wichita Before You Die (100 Things to Do Before You Die)
James Lee Burke
Jared Givens
Clare Vanderpool
Polly Basore Wenzl