July 31 – Gone Phishing! – Protecting Yourself from Fraud panel discussion
Flying Pig Improv at 3203 E. Douglas Ave. from 6 to 8 PM.
This event is open to the public, and everyone is welcome.
The registration fee is $10 at the door or in advance.
Ticket link: https://bit.ly/GonePhishingPanel
Seven out of 10 adults have been in the crosshairs of scams within the past year, dodging an average of three shady schemes every single week! In Wichita recently, scammers pretending to be from the sheriff’s office, threatened jail for those who did not send money for a nonexistent fine.
Falling for scams has zilch to do with your smarts—it’s all about those crafty scammers manipulating emotions and pulling heartstrings. Dive into our eye-opening panel discussion to learn the ropes on dodging scams, spotting fraudsters, and what to do if you find yourself tangled in their phishing lines. Panelists include Avery M. Elofsson, Chief Attorney over the Economic Crimes Unit, Sedgwick County District Attorney and member of the AARP fraud education team.
Sponsored by Optometric Billings Solutions, optometricbilling.com, (316) 722-2021 and Flying Pig Improv, flyingpigimprov.com, (316) 833-1889