Each year, letter carriers across the country head out on their routes on the second Saturday in May to collect donations of non-perishable food items to benefit local food pantries. Since launching in 1993, the National Association of Letter Carriers’ annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive has grown into the nation’s largest one-day food drive, helping to fill the shelves of food banks in cities and towns throughout the United States. Here in Wichita, Stamp Out Hunger is the largest one-day drive supporting the Kansas Food Bank, last year collecting an amazing 99,447 pounds of food!
The need is great, but you can help. We invite you to join letter carriers and our partner organizations in the fight to end hunger in our communities by participating in the annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive.
Simply leave your donation of non-perishable food in a bag near your mailbox or community parcel boxes on the second Saturday in May, and your letter carrier will do the rest. Wichita neighbors, be sure to check your mailbox the week before for a blue bag to make it even easier to participate!