Check out our conversation with Bill Farha about the St. Jude Dream Home Giveaway in Wichita:
Tell us about you and your involvement in the Wichita community
I was extensively involved with the Wichita Prayer Breakfast for over 25 years. My wife, Shirley and I hosted the
speaker and committee annually in our home the night before the Prayer breakfast. I served as a board member
on the Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Council and have been a member of the Wichita Rotary Club for over
40 years and served on several committees during that period. I became the Chairman of the Wichita St. Jude
Dream Home in its inception year of 2016. I am very active in my church, Saint George Orthodox Christian
Cathedral and spend my free time watching my Grandchildren in their various activities.
Tell us about your involvement with St. Jude…
I have a strong family connection to St. Jude. My father, William F. Farha, was a good friend of Danny Thomas.
When Danny decided to plan and ultimately build this wonderful hospital, he approached eight or nine close
friends to help him plan and raise funds. I can remember Danny coming to my home several times and my father
organizing several fundraising events in 1958-1961, which was prior to the hospital opening in 1962. My father
was on the original Board of Governors and Board of Trustees for many years. I have very significant memories
from my childhood regarding St. Jude and Danny Thomas’ mission.
Why is the St. Jude Dream Home Giveaway so important?
The generosity of the Wichita Community has always been apparent. I knew this City and the surrounding
community would rally around St. Jude again like it had all those years ago when St. Jude was just a dream to
Danny Thomas.
Is there a part of your involvement with St. Jude that makes you most proud?
I have said many times that my role compared to the others in this campaign is very small, but I have always
loved children and to be able to play a small role in helping families of children that are affected by cancer get
World Class health care at no cost to them makes me feel very blessed.
What do you think is the most important thing for people in the Wichita community to know about St. Jude?
St. Jude is such a special place because it provides World Class health care to innocent children with cancer. All
the treatment as well as travel, food and lodging are free. St. Jude is very special because of the Nobel Prize
winning doctors and scientist they have on staff. It is family and kid friendly. Saving the lives of innocent children
at no cost to the families, it doesn’t get any better than that. The way I describe St. Jude is it’s the best humanity
has to offer!
How is the impact of St. Jude local to the Wichita community?
I have met several local families that have been treated or are being treated at St. Jude. Many have become
volunteers with the Dream Home and other functions hosted here in Wichita.
Do you have a favorite part about the St. Jude Dream Home Giveaway?
For me it is the outpouring of love from this community. Nies Homes and their subcontractors donating their
labor, materials, and time. The donors of the other ancillary prizes giving their monetary donations. The
volunteers who donate their time hosting the open house, answering phones and the countless other duties that
go unseen. The community that buys tickets and makes the Wichita Dream Home tickets sell out year after year.
What is particularly amazing is the fact that the Dream Home is in 43 markets, and Wichita has been the 2nd
fastest sell out of tickets in the Nation.
What would you tell someone who is considering reserving their ticket for this campaign?
In my view, anyone who buys a ticket is already a winner, even if their name isn’t drawn for a prize because you
are helping to save the life of innocent children. It doesn’t get much better than that.