A little known fact about Wichita is that there are several nice Bed and Breakfast locations. If you would like to take a stay-cation, check out these options!
Delano Bed & Breakfast is located at 305 S Elizabeth, Wichita, KS 67213 PH (316) 201-3120. It has received a 4.9 (out of 5.0) excellence rating. This early 1900s bungalow has two elegant rooms and an organic breakfast. Cost is $169 per night. Rooms are smoke-free and there is free Wi-Fi

Noble House is a 4-star hotel/bed & breakfast is at 1230 N Waco Ave, Wichita, KS 67203 PH (316) 708-1508. It has a 4.4 rating. There are elegant rooms with en suite bathrooms in an 1888 Queen Anne–style home. Rooms are smoke-free and there is free Wi-Fi.

Wellington Place Inn is a 4-star hotel/bed & breakfast at 1847 N Wellington PH 316-719-2907. Their rating is 4.4. There is free Wi-Fi and parking and rooms are smoke-free.

College Hill Bed & Breakfast at 3308 Country Club Pl, Wichita, KS 67208 PH (316) 612-4577 has an impressive 5.0 star rating. There is a hot tub, free parking and smoke-free rooms.

The Inn at Glenstrae is at 3342 Country Club Pl, Wichita, KS 67208, (316) 631-2883. Their rating is 3.8. The website is not working at this time.

These listed are the true Bed & Breakfast locations. These are multiple options for short and long stays in Wichita and the surrounding area. In downtown Wichita, there are many options close to amenities. Check one out the next time you need a break.