Good morning Wichita! No earthquakes in a few days, so things are looking up!
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In today’s Wichita Weekly Update:
- One & Done COVID Vaccines
- South Side Grand Canyon
- Return of the Cineplex!
– Landon Huslig
COVID Vaccines
Yesterday morning, residents of Sedgwick County lined up downtown to snag one of the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) vaccines.
For those unaware, the Johnson & Johnson version of the vaccine only takes 1 shot rather than 2 (spaced apart by a few weeks) that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines require.
The J&J vaccine was available to those who had appointments Thursday morning, with the afternoon appointments getting the Pfizer shot.
If our area gets anymore of the Johnson & Johnson vaccines, it will be posted here.
We have not spent very much money on local art for our home, or really any art for our home.
We do have one piece however. And that is from the talented Anne-Sophie. Originally from France, she was trained in the arts in Switzerland, and currently lives in Wichita. Anne-Sophie creates incredible, detailed drawings that I could only dream of trying to recreate myself.
She is now offering limited edition prints of her beautiful art, check it out today!
New Venue
Choosing where to get married is one of the biggest stressors couples faces. For some people, the hardest part is choosing which high school friends or distant family members to trim to keep the guest list at a reasonable length.
Well there is a new place in town that can accommodate your great Aunt Ruth AND Steve from 7th period math class you haven’t spoken to in 10 years.
Prairie Hill Vineyard at Stockemer Farm in Colwich is almost 12,000 sq ft and will hold 500 people.
Sunday Funday
If you’ve ever been to Aldi’s to get your groceries on a Sunday morning before noon and had to put back the 6-pack you snagged while waiting in line because it was too early, then this one is for you.
The Kansas House of Reps voted this past Wednesday to allow alcohol sales as early as 9am on Sundays rather than the noon cut off that has existed.
South Side Grand Canyon
If you thought that social media is up to no good, here’s one counter example.
The Facebook group “ICT South Side Grand Canyon” is bringing attention to a crack in the earth that needs fixed ASAP. This is near Pawnee and Meridian, so keep an eye out so you don’t drive to the center of the earth.
We have an update to the Albert Wilson story. Last week, Albert was granted a new trial. He is due back in court on May 13, but has finally been released from prison.
Regal Cinemas
After 6 months of being shut down, (some) Regal Theatres will open up in April before the summer blockbusters.
We don’t know exactly which Regal theatres will be open, but over 500 nationwide will open to 50% capacity.
Regal owns the Warren Theatres in town.
@catfish_head | Wichita has some dope murals
Use #WichitaLifeICT to get your post in the Wichita Weekly Update!
Feel free to send in any events you’d like to share!
Night Sky
Apparation: Wichita – Alice in Wonderland
Headshots Bar & Grill | 3/26-3/28
Wichita Boathouse | 3/26 | 6PM – 10PM
Copy and paste your link to friends. Forward this email. Or share on social media!
You currently have [RH TOTREF GOES HERE] points.
The Artichoke
- Lacey Cruse | 3/26 | 7:30PM
- Sunshine the Bunny | 3/27 | 7:30PM
Mortdecai’s Tavern & Eatery
- Karoake Night | 3/26 | 7PM
- 80’s – 90’s Band Night with Vinyl Ritchie | 3/27 | 9PM
Let us know where the live shows are! Reply to this email!
Thunder Hockey (21-9)
3/26 vs Kansas City Mavericks – Educator Night
3/27 vs Kansas City Mavericks
WSU Softball (17-4) :
3/26-28 – 4 games vs ECU
WSU Baseball (9-8) :
3/26-28 – 3 games vs Omaha
ICT Extra:
Two hole in ones, one round of golf.
You read that right, a man beat the 1 in 67 million odds.
Food Rescue
Wichita Barista saved 240,000 pounds of food.
*Indicates sponsored advertising content. Nothing in this section is currently sponsored.
47?71 | ☀️ | ?️ 15% | ? SSE 20mph
38?64 | ☀️ | ?️ 7% | ? NNW 17mph
45?67 | ? | ?️ 5% | ? N 13mph
Wichita Life Podcast:
Double the podcasts, double the fun.
Did you catch our podcasts last week with Ryder, a St. Jude Patient. or American Idol Runner-Up and Wichita native Arthur Gunn?
Find it on Youtube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher or wherever you listen to podcasts!
That’s all! I hope you have a great week and stay safe. Thank you for reading! Send this to your favorite the person you first met in Wichita.
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Wichita, KS | USA
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